Volochisk fathers in Starokonstantinov

The only known vital records for Volochisk are for just a handful of years. Miriam Weiner reports that there are Jewish birth records for 1906 and 1921-1939 in the Khmelnitsky archives. But, there are birth records for Starokonstantinov city (Volochisk was part of Starokonstantinov district) going back to the late 1800s, and thanks to Barry Chernick, 40 years have already been translated. It turns out there were quite a few Volochisk men living in Starokonstantinov. Their names are below.

For more information on these records, please search in the Ukraine SIG database on Jewishgen, where you can find additional fields such as the paternal grandfather’s name, record number, and archive location. You can use this data to view the original record in Alex Krakovsky’s archive.

Given Name
Given Name
Mother's nameComments
1888DAYCHMoysheIsrulShamaBrukha KAGANfather was from Volochisk; the child was born in his parents' house near the synagogue
1888LISINKEREzraMekhelLeybKhana DIMONDfather was from Volochisk; the child was born in Naftula GOFMAN's house in Reznitskaya street
1888SHPIRTBeyla IndaNaftula GertsBerKhana Mirelfather was from Volochisk; the child was born in Aba KNELER's house
1887RONISEsterLeyb-Khaya Malkafather was from Volochisk
1887LISINKEREster FrimaMordkhayLeybSura Temafather was from Volochisk
1887GRINZASKhaya SuraGershMeyer MendelPerelfather was from Volochisk
1887BASMoysheIdelMoysheKhaya VAYNSHTEYNfather was from Volochisk
1886LISINKERShmulMikhelLeybishKhanafather was a merchant of Volochisk
1886GRINZASMendel MeyerGershMendel MeyerPerelfather was a merchant of Volochisk
1886SHPIRTShmul UsherGertsBerishKhana Mirel SANDELZONfather was from Volochisk
1885BEZMANBeylaYosif LeybKhaskelGitelfather was a merchant of Volochisk
1885DAYTCHKhanaSrulShamaBrukhafather was a merchant of Volochisk
1885LISINKERMeyer KalmanShlioma Zalman-Esterfather was a merchant of Volochisk
1884GRINZASMoyshe IdelGershkoMendel MeyerPerliafather was a merchant of Volochisk
1882RONISBerishAvrumVolkoKhanafather was a merchant of Volochisk
1882GRINZULInda FreydaGersh MendelMeyerAltafather was a merchant of Volochisk
1882DAYCHNakhmonSrulShamaBrukhafather was a merchant of Volochisk
1881LISENKERTsiviaMorkoLeybishTemafather was a merchant of Volochisk
1880SEGALEnia RivkaEliaMoshkoSura Feygafather was a merchant of Volochisk
1878BRONBARGEnia LeyaMordko YankelAron LeybRivkafather was a merchant of Volochisk
1871KITAIKhayaAvrum-Gitelfather's tax status townsman of Vologiska [Volochisk]
1900RONISAvrahamGersh LeybVolkoKhaya Malkafather was from Volochisk
1900FAYERSHTEYNKhaimDuvidKhaimMaryafather was from Volochisk
1899BEZMANItkhokYosif LeybKhaskelGitelfather was from Volochisk; circumcision was made by a rabbi
1899RONISRakhilLeybaVolfKhaya Malkafather was from Volochisk
1898RONISFrimaLeybVolkoKhaya Malkafather was from Volochisk, Starokonstantinov uyezd, twins
1898RONISBeylaLeybVolkoKhaya Malkafather was from Volochisk, Starokonstantinov uyezd, twins
1898FARSHTEYNFayvishDuvidKhaimMaryam Eydiafather was a merchant from Volochisk, Volhynia gub; circumcision was made by a rabbi
1898BASSosiaIde GershVolkoKhayafather was from Volochisk
1891LISINKERMirelMekhelLeybishKhanafather was from Volochisk
1891LISINKERBorukhMordkoLeybishSura Temafather was from Volochisk
1891BEZMANKhaskelYosif LeybKhaskelGitel SIMLERfather was from Volochisk
1892BAYESDuvidIdelMoysheKhaya VAYNSHTEYNfather was from Volochisk
1892VEYBELMANKhaya RivkaPinkhosAvrum EliaSosia Gitelfather was from Volochisk
1892RONISMikhelLeybVolfKhaya Malkafather was from Volochisk
1892SHPIRTFeygaNaftula GertsBerishKhana Mirelfather was from Volochisk
1893LISINGERGitelMordkoLeybishTemafather was from Volochisk
1893RONISReyzelLeybaVolfKhaya Malkafather was from Volochisk
1894BASMarkusIdelMoysheKhayafather was from Volochisk
1894LISINKERGitliaMekhelLeybaKhanafather was from Volochisk
1895SHPIRTEleazarNaftula GertsBeyrishKhana Mirliafather was from Volochisk
1896VEYBELMANEster ElkaPinkhosAvrum EliaSosia Gitelfather was from Volochisk
1896BRILYosifYankel MordkoSrulMaryamfather was from Volochisk
1896LISINKERLeybishMordkoLeybishSura Tema ANTSISfather was from Volochisk
1896RONISKhana RikelLeybVolfKhaya Malkafather was from Volochisk
1897BEZMANGirshYosif LeybKhazkelGitelfather was from Volochisk
1897LISINKERLeybishMekhelLeybishKhanafather was from Volochisk, twins
1897LISINKERKhaim AvrahamMekhelLeybishKhanafather was from Volochisk, twins
1905EKELLipaKhaimVolkoStysiafather was from Volochisk
1904RONISMamtsiaGersh LeybVolkoKhaya Malkafather was from Volochisk
1903RONISSura TsilyaLeybVolkoKhaya Malkafather was from Volochisk
1903EKELBranaKhaimVolkoStysiafather was from Volochisk
1903LISINKERBerShmulMordkoItafather was from Volochisk
1902VEYBELMANDavidPinkhasAvrum EliaGitliafather was from Volochisk
1902LISINKERShliomaShmulMordkoItafather was from Volochisk
1901BA…TsipraIdenMoshkoKhayafather was from Volochisk
1901BEZMANAvrahamYosif LeybKhaskelGitliafather was from Volochisk
1901LISENKERSimkhaMekhelLeybish ShliomaKhanafather was from Volochisk
1908FAYERSHTEYNNekhamaDuvidKhaimKreynafather was from Volochisk
1908EKELRevekkaKhaimVolfStysiafather was from Volochisk
1910FAYERSHTEYNYosifDuvidKhaimKreynafather was from Volochisk
1907FREYDSHTULIsahakYosifYankelSosiafather was from Volochisk
1906LISINKERBeylaShmulMordkoItafather was from Volochisk
1916KISELIK / KUSALKItaYos /Yosef-Goldafather from Volochisk
1916BEZMANYeid / HonaShabsaYos-Leyb / Yosef LeybMindlyafather from Volochisk
1916FAERSHTEYNFeigaDuvidKhaimKreynafather from Volochisk
1916ZAKSKhaimItzkhokShlioma / ShlomoPerlfather from Volochisk
1916LIBAKH / LIBKHOKPinkhasMikhel-Gersh / Mikhael-ZviMoshko / MosheKhaya Feigafather from Volochisk
1916KISELIK / KUSALKItaYos /Yosef-Goldafather from Volochisk
1916BEZMANYeid / HonaShabsaYos-Leyb / Yosef LeybMindlyafather from Volochisk
1916FAERSHTEYNFeigaDuvidKhaimKreynafather from Volochisk
1916ZAKSKhaimItzkhokShlioma / ShlomoPerlfather from Volochisk
1916LIBAKH / LIBKHOKPinkhasMikhel-Gersh / Mikhael-ZviMoshko / MosheKhaya Feigafather from Volochisk
1913LIBAKHSura BeylaMekhel GershMoshkoFeygafather was a merchant from Volochisk
1912BEZMANBeylaShabsaYosif LeybMindliafather was from Volochisk
1911BRONENBARGMordkoFroimMordko YankelTylkafather was from Volochisk; twins
1911BRONENBARGLeyaFroimMordko YankelTylkafather was from Volochisk; twins
1911FAYERSHTEYNPeysakhDuvidKhaimKreynafather was a merchant from Volochisk

For more on researching your Volochisk roots, see Volochisk Jewish Genealogy.

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